Sunday, October 21, 2007


Only one week to go until activation! Landon has become a crawling machine - nothing is safe. His favorite thing is to go play in his brothers' room. We are getting ready to take the boys to the Boo at the Zoo. Connor is going to be a Power Ranger, Garrett is Yoda (with his favorite color green lightsaber), and Landon is an LSU football player. We'll post some pictures later in their costumes.

One of his new things is to pat his chest. He also pats his mouth - we'll have to work on him making noise with it once he gets activated.
His incisions are healing really well.


BlueFrogJ said...

I love it when a new post from your blog pops up on my google reader! It's great to watch Landon's progress since I don't see ya'll too often. Can't wait till I hear the stories after he's activated.

Drew's Mom said...

He looks amazing! The incisions have healed up so well. And the difference in his balance and mobility is just amazing.

Activation day will be here before you know it. I'm sure you are all getting very excited! Have you asked the older boys what they are going to say to Landon first?

VBnBama said...

This looks great. Just a few days to go!!!

David Edward said...

Your friend Jennifer sent me. I am so happy for you that this is working out!