Saturday, August 23, 2008

Thing 4?!

Well, just when we thought we were on the downward track of sleep interrupted nights and diapers God decided to give us a reminder of who was in control. Of course He waited until I sold all of our baby stuff and maternity clothes at a garage sale and I had finally made it back to my pre-kid size and actually bought some new shorts for the summer. We've taken a while to announce it this time because I'm still trying to get used to the idea but it looks like we'll have a new little blessing around the beginning of March. We've got conflicting opinions around here - Garrett wants a sister and Connor wants another brother. I have a feeling Connor may get his wish. When we get together for the kids birthdays, there's 15 kids between both sides and only one is a girl. Now comes the hard part of thinking up names. We were still deciding on Landon's middle name while I was in labor at the hospital. Any suggestions?


Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness! I wasn't expecting this bit of news! Another gorgeous little one on its way to your house! I'm thrilled for you...I can imagine the shock though. I love big families...although it is never, never quiet (I have the advantage of not having to listen to it though ;)).
Congratulations! Can't believe Landon's going to be a big brother!

Anonymous said...

Well' what about Thing Four Seneca ?? You know there is always room for one more !!! Love, Maw Maw Laurie

Unknown said...

I have two suggestions for you :
Chance for a boy since it is by
chance that you have another one on
the way.
Faith for a girl because it will take
a lot of blind faith from all of us
for a little girl to be born amongst
all these little boys.

LOL We will love it dearly no matter what!!

Unknown said...

The more the merrier! A lot more noise comes with a lot more love and a lot more laughter. But as "Thing 4's" cousins over here were discussing whether it will be a boy or a girl, Joseph keeps saying "Nanny's having a boy AND a girl!" (Thing 4 and Thing 5???)

Landon's Mom said...

Tell Joseph don't even go there!! Nanny already had an ultrasound and there is only 1. And don't even think about another surprise after this one. Nanny's factory is too old - and I don't think I could stand another shock like this one. :-)

Mikki said...

HOW EXCITING!!!! That is wonderful!!! CONGRATS!!! What great news!!!!

leah said...

Congratulations! We have the same boy-thing going in our family- there is only one girl in the whole lot. I hope morning sickness stays away!! And I'm no help at all on the name thing. We barely came up with Nolan before we took him home from the hospital. Otherwise he would have been Babyboy Lefler.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, you can't think of a name, I can't wait to see what the nickname of this one will be when Meatball wants a girl named Luke Skywalker ! May The Force be with You ! Maw Maw Laurie

Tammy Seneca said...

I will try again for Aiden!
Aiden Carpenter Seneca

Ella Elizabeth....

A Nanny can hope!

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