Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gustav is coming!

Well, it looks like we won't get away from this one. Gustav is breathing down our necks and getting closer every hour. It's kind of spooky that it's happening so close after the third anniversary of Katrina. Let's keep our fingers crossed it doesn't hit us too hard - and we get power back soon after because it is just too hot right now to be without air for long.


Drew's Mom said...

We're praying for your area of the country. I hope the storm is not nearly as bad as they are calling for. Best be prepared for the worst, I guess.

Are you evacuating, or riding the storm out from home?

VBnBama said...

Girl, I know you're worried! We'll be watching it closely and you stay safe!!
Oh, congrats on THING 4 !!

Tammy Seneca said...

Stay safe... let the boys know that Nanny says, hello! Will be calling!
