We took the boys for their picture with Santa. This year the mall went all out with something called Santastic. First, they have the kids write a quick letter to Santa with what they want. Next, they drop it into a mail box that is linked directly with the North Pole - when you open it cold air and snow fly up in the air. The kids then have to hit the Naughty or Nice button to find out if they've been good - Connor refused to do this. There was a big sign next to the picture setup that was a warning for those with pacemakers. When I asked the photographer about it he said there was a really strong magnet on the left arm of the chair. Needless to say we sat Landon on the right. I didn't know we would encounter problems with his implants and Santa Clause.

Landon didn't know what to make of him. It was a change from last year - when he was just staring off into space. This year he looked when the photographer shook the bells.

Garrett is our fearless one. He ran up first for his picture. Definitely not a shy one!

I think the only reason Connor took a picture was because I told him Santa wouldn't bring him any presents if he didn't. He wouldn't talk to him though - he said he wrote what he wanted on the letter so he didn't need to tell Santa.
Oh, I can't wait to watch Drew with Santa this year. Isn't it amazing that they can hear the bells?! I cried so hard last year when he stared off in space. Amazing the difference a year can make.
The pictures of the boys with Santa are very cute. I love the holiday season and with children it's even better!
A MAGNET...are you serious? I would have never guessed ! Thanks for sharing! Your Santa looks great! we weren't so lucky and ended up w/one of two seeing him.
All of your boys are so adorable! I don't understand why they had a magnet in the chair though? How strange!
What cuties!
What cute pics! Each encounter made me laugh because it sounds so much like each one. Can't wait to see their faces on Tuesday. They are all at the perfect age for Christmas fun.
Only three more days of unrelenting energy LOL.
Kiss the boys Aunt Sally
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