Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wearing his CI's

I've gotten asked quite a few times about how Landon is wearing his CI's and the setup we use so I figured I'd post the pictures here for everyone. We use the babyworn setup so the part on his ear is smaller and slide the controllers into pockets on the back of some onesies my sister made for him. I'm no seamstress so lucky for us she is.

Once we put his shirt on, it helps hold the cables on and keeps them hidden so they don't catch on stuff and pull his ears off.

We had trouble with the clips that came with the babyworn catching on things or brushing against stuff and they kept popping off. This has worked out great for us.


tammy said...

That's so nice to keep the wires out of the way! I love the pockets on the back of the onsie idea! How cute!

elizabeth said...

Hi, my name is Elizabeth and I write for www.cochlearimplantonline. My fellow blogger, Rachel (a bilateral CI recipient) and I, along with a team of other moderators interested in hearing loss, have developed a new website,, and we would love to add your blog to our feeds list. Please email me at: to subscribe! We hope you'll join us... because "it takes a village to raise a child"!