Sunday, November 11, 2007


Two weeks ago we could have taken Landon to the airport, sat him on the runway next to a plane taking off, and he wouldn't have blinked an eye. Fastforward to today - he can be playing with a toy and if you hit the drum or shake a rattle behind him he will turn around to find the sound. He is also trying to imitate some sounds. If you say Aaahhh - he will say it back to you; this is a new game for him. We can go back and forth for ten minutes and he'll keep doing it. He has also said Mmmmm a couple of times when we are feeding him. He did it with Eric first, and then a couple of days later repeated it when I said it. He had his first speech therapy since activation last Wednesday. Our ST was impressed with his motor skills - the last time she had seen him we were debating doing PT. He also turned to different sounds for her. We go Thursday morning for his next mapping session. I wish they would do another booth test so we could see where he is hearing at.


Anonymous said...

He's on his way! Go Buzz Go!

Jennifer said...

I love hearing stories like these!! YAAAAAYYYY Landon!!
By the way, I have to watch his activation video every time I come here...and it makes me grin ear to ear every single time!!!

oncalsu said...

Eric and Jennifer,

FANTASTIC! This is really great news. By the time Thanksgiving comes he will be trying to say complete words. What a wonderful Thanksgiving he will have. By the time Christmas comes it will be no telling what he will say. This is really the best news. You are wonderful parents for him and for Conner and Garrett.

Just keep up the good work and he will be walking very soon. Hug and kiss the boys for me.

Aunt Susan